The continent of Faerûn in the Forgotten Realms. This map is a labor of hundreds of hours of research and crafting, and is arguably the most accurate and detailed Faerûn map that exists. It's still a work in progress. - Updated 9/30/21
Purchase an unlabeled version of the map here: Shop

A piece of my 20,000 pixel-wide, second Faerûn map that I never finished. The entire continent is mapped, but labels only made it this far. The idea was to draw the actual cities and towns, as opposed to just dots. The research for this was simply too much and my decision to move on to my own setting Greensoul occurred while I was working on this map.

The Lands of Intrigue in Faerûn. This is a server map for the persistent NWN world of The Dragon's Neck.

The nation of Cormyr. The map is made for the persistent RP server Forgotten Realms: Cormyr, and contains non-canon material specific to the server.

The Dalelands and Cormanthor.

My first attempt at Cormyr.